Saturday, March 12, 2022

Points, Lines, Rays, and Angles


We have covered the definitions of points, line segment, lines, rays, and angles.

As a reminder:
  • Point - a single location in space.
    • Will look like a dot with nothing attached. 
  • Lines segment - a straight row of points that starts at one point and ends at another point.
    • BOTH ends will have point. (see picture below.)
  • Line - a straight row of points that goes on forever in both directions
    • Continues in both directions for ever and ever and ever!
    • Each end will have an arrow. 

  • Rays - a straight row of points that starts at one point and goes on forever in one direction.
    • Think of the sun! The light from the sun shoots from the sun straight to Earth.
    • ONE end will have an arrow and ONE end will have a point.

  • Angles - two rays, lines, or line segments that meet at a common point. 
    • Makes V shapes.
    • Will look like two rays.
    • Types we will cover:
      • Acute (1-89 degrees)
      • Right (90 degrees)
      • Obtuse (91-179 degrees)

Please watch the video below!

A Blooket that would be great practice! 

Blooket Practice


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Points, Lines, Rays, and Angles

  We have covered the definitions of points, line segment, lines, rays, and angles. As a reminder: Point - a single location in space. Will...