Saturday, March 12, 2022

Points, Lines, Rays, and Angles


We have covered the definitions of points, line segment, lines, rays, and angles.

As a reminder:
  • Point - a single location in space.
    • Will look like a dot with nothing attached. 
  • Lines segment - a straight row of points that starts at one point and ends at another point.
    • BOTH ends will have point. (see picture below.)
  • Line - a straight row of points that goes on forever in both directions
    • Continues in both directions for ever and ever and ever!
    • Each end will have an arrow. 

  • Rays - a straight row of points that starts at one point and goes on forever in one direction.
    • Think of the sun! The light from the sun shoots from the sun straight to Earth.
    • ONE end will have an arrow and ONE end will have a point.

  • Angles - two rays, lines, or line segments that meet at a common point. 
    • Makes V shapes.
    • Will look like two rays.
    • Types we will cover:
      • Acute (1-89 degrees)
      • Right (90 degrees)
      • Obtuse (91-179 degrees)

Please watch the video below!

A Blooket that would be great practice! 

Blooket Practice


Friday, March 11, 2022

Classifying Two Dementional Shapes

This post is longer, but crammed with helpful information! Happy learning!

When we are classifying two dimensional shapes, there are a couple thing we have to keep in mind.

  1. How many sides does it have?
  2. Are the sides equal?
  3. Are the sides parallel? 
  4. What are the angles of the corners?
Below I will address two kinds of lines and have a quick review of angles from our last lesson. 


Perpendicular: two lines that cross at a 90 degree angle.

  • Think of a addition sign. 

Parallel: lines on a plain that are always the same distance apart. 

  • They will NEVER touch.


Right angle: 90 degrees (Think of the letter L)

Acute angle: less than 90 degrees (Think "it's a cute little angle")

Obtuse angle: larger than 90 degrees (Think BIG angle)

Angle Video

Types of shapes we will cover

Polygon: a closed, flat shape with all straight sides.
  • Basically any shape that is not a circle.

Acute Triangle:
 Three acute angles

Right Triangle: One right angle

Obtuse Triangle: One obtuse angle
Equilateral Triangle: Three equal sides
Isosceles Triangle: Two equal sides
Scalene Triangle: Zero equal sides

A Blooket to review! Triangle Review

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Comparing Decimals

 Comparing decimals... dun, dun, dun!

It is not that scary. I promise! We will only be working with decimals in the tenths and hundredths.

Do tenths and hundredths sound familiar? 

They should because we just wrapped up a lesson over fractions in the tenths and hundredths. 
Yes, they are connected!

When comparing decimals:
  1. Look at the greatest place value of each decimal. 
    • Are they the same? Move to next place value.
    • Are they different? The one with the largest digit WINS!
Repeat until you find a place value with different digits!

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Into to our class!

Hello my kiddos! I am so excited to be able to have this blog so that I can post helpful tools for our current and up coming lessons!

Points, Lines, Rays, and Angles

  We have covered the definitions of points, line segment, lines, rays, and angles. As a reminder: Point - a single location in space. Will...